Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #444: FGF Guest DJ Eric

Today Eric graced us with a unique and exciting playlist!
  1. Go-Go Gadget Gospel by Gnarls Barkley
  2. Funeral Home by Daniel Johnston
  3. Just To See You Smile by Tim McGraw
  4. King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1 by Neutral Milk Hotel
  5. Lovesong by The Cure
  6. Earthquake by The Uncluded
  7. I Love You And Buddha Too by Mason Jennings
  8. Gypsy in the Moonlight by Father Goose; Screechy Dan
  9. Sheila – 2022 Remaster by Morphine
  10. Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons by Pixies
  11. Punk Love by The Magnetic Fields
  12. The Git Up by Blanco Brown
  13. Cemetery Polka by Tom Waits
  14. Bike Rider by Mungo’s Hi Fi; Pupajim
  15. Ocean Man by Ween
  16. When I Get to Heaven by John Prine

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

You can also listen to his extended list on Spotify and YouTube.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #444: Hot Rod Lincoln

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  1. Guitar Man by Jerry Reed
  2. Fun Ranch Boogie by Albert Lee
  3. Love Me Right by LaVern Baker
  4. My Wife Thinks You’re Dead by Junior Brown
  5. Hot Rod Lincoln by Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen
  6. When I Get Low I Get High by The Hot Sardines; Alan Cumming
  7. Country Boy Rock & Roll (Feat. Kenny Vaughan) by Kenny Vaughan; Marty Stuart
  8. Big River by Johnny Cash; The Tennessee Two
  9. Back To Wentzville by George Thorogood & The Destroyers
  10. Quiet Whiskey by Wynonie Harris
  11. Move It On Over by Hank Williams; Drifting Cowboys
  12. Fine to Me by Pokey LaFarge
  13. I’m Mad by The Reverend Horton Heat
  14. Mess Around by Ray Charles

Available on Spotify.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #442

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  1. Red Red Wine by UB40
  2. Prince Nez – Remastered 2016 by Squirrel Nut Zippers
  3. Who Do You Love? by George Thorogood & The Destroyers
  4. Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) – Remastered 2014 by Elton John
  5. Sneakin’ Sally Through The Alley by Robert Palmer
  6. Fire by Jimi Hendrix
  7. Burning Down the House by Talking Heads
  8. Beds Are Burning – Remastered by Midnight Oil
  9. Great Balls Of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis
  10. I’m On Fire by Bruce Springsteen
  11. Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival
  12. A Little Less Conversation – JXL Radio Edit Remix by Elvis Presley; Junkie XL
  13. Burning Love by Elvis Presley

Available on Spotify.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #441: Chicken

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Chickens! 100% “The Chicken Dance” free.
  1. Chicken Walk by Hasil Adkins
  2. The Chicken Wing Chicken Wing Song by chicky banana
  3. Dixie Chicken by Little Feat
  4. Chicken Monkey Duck by Mike Phirman
  5. Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens by Louis Jordan
  6. Chicken Fried Rice by Baba Sehgal
  7. Chicken Payback by The Bees
  8. A Chicken Ain’t Nothing But A Bird by Cab Calloway
  10. Thunder Chicken by The Mighty Imperials
  11. How Funky Is Your Chicken by The Jackson 5
  12. Chicken Strut by The Meters
  13. Do The Funky Chicken by Rufus Thomas
  14. The Chicken Yodel by Kerry Christensen
  15. Chicken by Sly & The Family Stone
  16. Chicken Shack Boogie by Leroy Van Dyke
  17. KFC Called The Cops On Me by MFC Chicken

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #440: Mardi Gras

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  1. Greatest Place On Earth by Ivan Neville; Trombone Shorty; Ben Jaffe; Charlie Gabriel
  2. Mardi Gras Mambo by The Hawketts
  3. (Everybody Wanna Get Rich) Rite Away by Dr. John
  4. Drink A Little Poison, 4 U Die by John Mooney
  5. Knock With Me – Rock With Me by Lil’ Rascals Brass Band
  6. Tootie Ma Is A Big Fine Thing by Preservation Hall Jazz Band
  7. Hey Pocky A-Way – 2002 Remaster by The Meters
  8. Do Whatcha Wanna, Pt. 3 by Rebirth Brass Band
  9. Big Chief – Complete Version by Professor Longhair; Earl King
  10. Jock-A-Mo by Sugar Boy Crawford

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #439

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I don’t know what’s scarier, the amount of good new music, or Spotify’s ability to find stuff I love.
  1. Cambio by Real Project; Theo Croker
  2. Didn’t You by Lettuce; Count Basie; Talib Kweli
  3. My Head & My Heart by Moon Hooch
  4. Hospital (One Man Down) (feat. Remi Wolf) by Madison Cunningham; Remi Wolf
  5. Boogie Down by Kurt Elling; Charlie Hunter; Nate Smith
  6. Don’t Make Me Wait Too Long by Kimberly Brewer; Joe; Stevie Wonder
  7. Float (feat. Seun Kuti & Egypt 80) by Janelle Monáe; Seun Kuti; Egypt 80
  8. OGERETSU!! by ItimatuSuzuka
  9. Eye Know by De La Soul; Otis Redding
  10. Ready for Me by Galactic; Cimafunk; Anjelika ‘Jelly’ Joseph
  11. Greatest Place On Earth by Ivan Neville; Trombone Shorty; Ben Jaffe; Charlie Gabriel

Available on Spotify, YouTube (sadly, missing Eye Know by De La Soul), and Apple Music.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #438: Classics Reimagined

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Classics of the Western tradition, reimagined! You’re gonna love this, or you’re gonna hate it.
  1. Golliwogg’s Cakewalk by Isao Tomita
  2. Arabesque Cookie (Arabian Dance) by Duke Ellington
  3. Bolero – Live At Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY 3/25/88 by Frank Zappa
  4. Joy by Apollo 100
  5. A Fifth Of Beethoven by Walter Murphy
  6. Fanfare for the Common Man – Single Edit by Emerson, Lake & Palmer
  7. Hooked On Mozart by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Louis Clark
  8. Also Sprach Zarathustra by Deodato
  9. Mozart by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Available on Spotify and YouTube.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #437: This Is Why

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Mostly new stuff from various new music Friday lists!
  1. Everybody Wants To Rule the World [Feat. Lalah Hathaway & Common] by Robert Glasper; Lalah Hathaway; Common
  2. Snowing! by Liv.e
  3. On the Run by Kelela
  4. Stay Fresh by J Rocc
  5. Skywriting by Spectacular Diagnostics
  6. This Is Why by Paramore
  7. Call the Coroner by Tuamie
  8. Saturday/Sunday by Jason Derulo; David Guetta
  9. Sability by Ayra Starr
  10. Borderline by Tove Lo
  11. Mania by Daphni
  12. Overloading (OVERDOSE) by Mavins; Crayon; Ayra Starr; LADIPOE; Magixx; Boy Spyce
  13. As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It by Lemon Demon

Available on Spotify and YouTube.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #436: Motown

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Motown classics!
  1. Dancing In The Street – Stereo by Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
  2. You Can’t Hurry Love by The Supremes
  3. I Heard It Through The Grapevine by Marvin Gaye
  4. I Want You Back by The Jackson 5
  5. Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
  6. I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) by Four Tops
  7. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg by The Temptations
  8. War by Edwin Starr
  9. Brick House by Commodores
  10. Please Mr. Postman – Single Version / Mono by The Marvelettes
  11. Give It To Me Baby by Rick James
  12. Love Train by The O’Jays
  13. December, 1963 (Oh What a Night!) by Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

Available on Spotify and YouTube.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #435: FGF Malawi

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After the previous week’s network issues, Sickiey, Jen Hardy, Peter, and the rest of our wonderful friends currently in Malawi joined us on Friday for a great party!
  1. Good as Hell (feat. Ariana Grande) by Lizzo; Ariana Grande
  2. Crazy In Love (feat. Jay-Z) by Beyoncé; JAY-Z
  3. La Papa (feat. Diana Fuentes) by Cimafunk; Diana Fuentes
  4. Strength Of A Woman by Shaggy
  5. Don’t Start Now by Dua Lipa
  6. Say Yes (ft. Beyoncé & Kelly Rowland) by Michelle Williams; Beyoncé; Kelly Rowland
  7. Umbrella by Rihanna; JAY-Z
  8. Ndaziya Iwe by Machuluka
  9. Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
  10. Chocolate Samurai by Fantastic Negrito
  11. Oops!…I Did It Again by Britney Spears

Available on Spotify and YouTube.