Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #304 Move IV: FGF

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In a realm where dreams dared to dance, a vision unfolded: four days of entrancing melodies, a celebration of movement in song. Skeptics doubted, yet the dream soared into reality.

Move I: Move Over, February! sparked the odyssey, a bold rhythmic venture, captivating the soul. Next, Move II: Smove Moves unfolded, a tapestry of beats that enlivened and enthralled, a true testament to melodic innovation. Move III: Moves on Hooves then galloped into the fray, a regal and spirited symphony that captivated hearts.

Now, the journey circles back to its grand finale. This Friday, we revisit Move IV: FGF, the crown jewel of this musical quest. Awaiting its encore with eager anticipation, we stand poised to be swept once more into the dazzling realm of rhythm and harmony, where each beat promises to be a momentous celebration of movement and music.

  1. Something – Remastered 2009 by The Beatles
  2. Move Your Body by Sia
  3. Move Your Feet by Junior Senior
  4. Move Me No Mountain by Chaka Khan
  5. Move by MercyMe
  6. Move Upstairs by The Como Mamas; The Glorifiers Band
  7. The Way We Move by Langhorne Slim; The Law
  8. “Movin’ On Up”(Theme from the TV Series “The Jeffersons”) by Dominik Hauser; Nayanna Holley
  9. Move! (With. RuRu, RaRa) by PARKMOONCHI; RuRu; RaRa
  10. Move Fast by Galactic; Mystikal; Mannie Fresh
  11. I Feel the Earth Move by Carole King
  12. I Like To Move It by
  13. WE CAME TO MOVE by The Pocket Queen; Ryck Jane

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

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