Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0399: FGF!

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A mix of recent feel good songs!
  1. I’ll Keep My Light in My Window – 12″ Version by The New York Community Choir
  2. Keep Rising – The Woman King by Jessy Wilson; Angelique Kidjo
  3. One Drop One People by Mte Wambali Mkandawire
  4. Sweet Mother by Tilda & the Rocafill Jazz International
  5. Beautiful Africa by Rokia Traoré
  6. パッション・フラワー by Shigeru Suzuki
  7. Free My People by Joni Haastrup
  8. Obrigado – Live by Spirit Of Praise; Solly Mahlangu

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist # 398: Chicago

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Some very cool chill 2000s indie tunes.
  1. Chicago by Sufjan Stevens
  2. Pulaski by Andrew Bird
  3. Wedding Song by Anaïs Mitchell; Justin Vernon
  4. Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games by of Montreal
  5. A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
  6. Two Birds by Regina Spektor
  7. Guys on Every Corner by The Mountain Goats
  8. No Shortcuts by Heather Maloney & Darlingside
  9. Falsetto by Chris Thile
  10. Grown Ocean by Fleet Foxes

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #397: I think

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Busy evening, just weird stuff from my Spotify Discovery Weekly list.
  1. ボラーレ by 高橋ユキヒロ
  2. The Big Noise From Winnetka by Bob Crosby & The Bob Cats
  3. O Ganso by Ed Lincoln
  4. Don’t Bother Me by The Suffers
  5. Planes, Boats and Trains by Andrew Jackman
  6. Problem Number 6 by Bruno Pernadas
  7. Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In) by Julie Driscoll; Brian Auger; Brian Auger & The Trinity
  8. I’ll Keep My Light in My Window – 12″ Version by The New York Community Choir
  9. The Peanut Vendor – 2003 Remaster by Jack Costanzo
  10. Not Any Longer by Lijadu Sisters
  11. How Would You Feel (feat. Jimi Hendrix) by Curtis Knight & The Squires; Jimi Hendrix
  12. パッション・フラワー by Shigeru Suzuki

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0396: Free My People

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Songs from African artists and artists inspired by African traditions.
  1. Tire Loma da Nigbehin by Monomono
  2. Jawa Jawa by Akalé Wubé
  3. Keep Rising – The Woman King by Jessy Wilson; Angelique Kidjo
  4. Love, Today by Preyé; LADIPOE
  5. Heaven by Ebo Taylor
  6. Joy by Falana
  7. Beautiful Africa by Rokia Traoré
  8. Free My People by Joni Haastrup
  9. Different (feat. Damian Marley & Angelique Kidjo) by Burna Boy; Angelique Kidjo; Damian Marley
  10. The Volcano Song by The Budos Band

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #396 Everything’s Alright

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Feel good soul classics!
  1. Uptight (Everything’s Alright) by Stevie Wonder
  2. Soul Man by Sam & Dave
  3. Rescue Me by Fontella Bass
  4. Knock on Wood by Eddie Floyd
  5. Let’s Stay Together by Al Green
  6. I Second That Emotion by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
  7. Think by Aretha Franklin
  8. I Want You Back by The Jackson 5
  9. You Can’t Hurry Love by The Supremes
  10. Move on Up – Single Edit by Curtis Mayfield
  11. Love Train by The O’Jays
  12. Dance to the Music by Sly & The Family Stone
  13. I’ll Take You There by The Staple Singers
  14. Do You Love Me – Mono Single by The Contours

Available on Spotify and YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0394: Guest DJ Tyler, North Carolina I (A-P)

Tyler says: This is mostly old blues music from NC with a few doowap and a few modern hits. Featuring a famous left handed blues guitarist.
  1. When I See U by Fantasia
  2. The Locomotion by Little Eva
  3. Wilson rag by Elizabeth Cotten
  4. Sally Ann by Ernest East; The Pine Ridge Boys
  5. Mockingbird by Inez & Charlie Foxx
  6. Mr. Stalin You’re Eating Too High on the Hog by Arthur “Guitar Boogie” Smith
  7. I Am Just What I Am by Homer Briarhopper
  8. I Can’t Stop Loving You by Don Gibson
  9. Sweet Dreams by Don Gibson
  10. Mama Said by The Shirelles
  11. Stand by Me by Ben E. King
  12. Little Bitty Pretty One by Clyde McPhatter
  13. Heartbreaker by Nantucket
  14. Girl Watcher by The O’Kaysions
  15. If the River Was Whiskey by Charlie Poole with the North Carolina Ramblers; Charlie Poole

Available on Spotify and YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0393: Cookie

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Some modern fun stuff, mostly from Spotify Radar US and NPR New Music Friday.
  1. Cookie by NewJeans
  2. Anymore by YAZ
  3. Sunflower by Pauline Zoe Park
  4. Mwana by Sampa the Great; Mwanje; Theresa Mutale Tembo; Sunburnt Soul Choir
  5. The Fours by Makaya McCraven
  6. My Love by Hagan; Meron T
  7. figured u out by thuy
  8. Lock&Key by Lolahol
  9. Whipped Cream by Ari Lennox
  10. melt by Kehlani
  11. Anyone Who Had A Heart by Lake Street Dive

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0392: 80s Wedding

Songs you might have danced to at a 1980s US wedding!
  1. You Spin Me Round – Like A Record by Dead Or Alive
  2. Rapper’s Delight by The Sugarhill Gang
  3. Kiss by Prince
  4. Love Shack – Edit; 2019 Remaster by The B-52’s
  5. Jackie Wilson Said (I’m In Heaven When You Smile) by Dexys Midnight Runners; Kevin Rowland
  6. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!
  7. Karma Chameleon – Remastered 2002 by Culture Club
  8. Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry
  9. Walking On Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0391 Latin Jazz

The world of Latin jazz is vast and I know so little of it. But here’s a few tunes I liked!
  1. Ran Kan Kan by Tito Puente
  2. Vámonos Pa’l Monte by Eddie Palmieri
  3. La Comparsa by Chucho Valdés
  4. Tainos y Caribes by Miguel Zenón
  5. Descarga de Jazz by Spanish Harlem Orchestra
  6. Linda Guajira by Mongo Santamaria
  7. Seven Steps To Heaven by Hilton Ruiz
  8. Chan Chan by Buena Vista Social Club
  9. El Diablo Influenciado by Alfredo Naranjo

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

D0390 Bossa Nova

There’s nothing quite like the sound of Brazilian bossa nova. It can be uplifting, dark, delightful, seductive, sophisticated. Cinematic cliches have led to unfortunate associations with elevators, but give it a chance and you’ll hear that it’s so much more.
  1. Mas Que Nada by Tamba Trio
  2. Triste by Elis Regina
  3. Tin Tin Por Tin Tin by João Gilberto
  4. Brigas Nunca Mais by Elis Regina; Antônio Carlos Jobim
  5. Diz Que Fui Por Ai by Nara Leão
  6. Rio by Quarteto do Rio; Roberto Menescal
  7. Wave by Antônio Carlos Jobim
  8. O Pato – Ultimate Mix by João Gilberto
  9. Sorriu Para Mim by João Gilberto
  10. Batucada by Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66
  11. Maracatu Atômico by Gilberto Gil
  12. Brazil (Aka Aquarela do Brasil) by Antônio Carlos Jobim
  13. Batucada (Batacada Surgin) by Marcos Valle
  14. Joãozinho Boa Pinta by Joyce Moreno; Dori Caymmi

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.