Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #484: Weird Friday

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I just love this list. Some of the initial songs come from the show Extraordinary. A little wild and super fun. Weird isn’t just for Wednesday, anymore!
  1. I Fought the Law by The Clash
  2. So Typically Now by U.S. Girls
  3. Bam Bam by Sister Nancy
  4. Simplify by Los Coast
  5. Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson
  6. The Fight by Sia
  7. Real Thing by Natania
  8. Army of Me by Björk
  9. Move by Vanacore Music; Suedecouch
  10. N.E.O. by CHAI
  11. Everybody Wants To Be Famous by Superorganism
  12. Only God Knows by Young Fathers; Leith Congregational Choir
  13. Bikini by Caroline Rose
  14. Mommy Can’t Sleep by XVOTO

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music.

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