Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #19: Overkill

Going back to the early days again, this one’ll get you moving!
  1. Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny
  2. Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden
  3. Overkill by Men At Work
  4. Fat Night’s Theme by Fat Night
  5. Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) by Stevie Wonder
  6. Conga! by Miami Sound Machine
  7. You Make My Dreams by Daryl Hall & John Oates
  8. Groove Is in the Heart by Deee-Lite
  9. Get It Right by Joey Dosik
  10. I Get Around (Mono) by The Beach Boys
  11. Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks
  12. Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #408: Grunge

90ʼs grunge. Is there any other kind?
  1. Revolve by Melvins
  2. Plush – 2017 Remaster by Stone Temple Pilots
  3. Would? (2022 Remaster) by Alice In Chains
  4. Deep by Pearl Jam
  5. Everlong by Foo Fighters
  6. Celebrity Skin by Hole
  7. Volcano Girls by Veruca Salt
  8. Cut You In by Jerry Cantrell
  9. Lithium by Nirvana
  10. Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #407: KPM & More

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Production Music (also known as Library Music) is music created specifically for use in all types of media; including TV shows, advertising, trailers, promos and radio. KPM Music is the quintessential production music brand. Or at least that’s what their site says.
  1. Trama Nella Metropoli by I Marc 4
  2. Space Funk – Dopebrother 7 Inch Remix by Manzel
  3. Studio 69 by Alan Hawkshaw
  4. People’s Choice by Keith Mansfield
  5. The Riviera Affair by Neil Richardson
  6. That’s What Friends Are For by Alan Parker; Madeline Bell
  7. Action in Memphis by Johnny Pearson
  8. Mile High Swinger (A) by Alan Hawkshaw
  9. Violent Attack by John Cameron
  10. Running fast by Stefano Torossi
  11. Sports Arena by Neil Richardson
  12. Life on Mars by Dexter Wansel
  13. Middle Of The Night by Lalo Schifrin
  14. Hot Wind by Les Baxter

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #406: Unschwarzeneggerish

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I started listening to a book that’s basically the 80’s movie Commando. This list is perhaps its opposite.
  1. Free To Be…You And Me by The New Seekers
  2. Whatever We Feel by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  3. Turn the World Around by Harry Belafonte
  4. Iko Iko by The Dixie Cups
  5. Thina Singu by The Celebration Gospel Choir
  6. Record Player (with AJR) by Daisy the Great; AJR
  7. The Littlest Birds by The Be Good Tanyas
  8. Love You by The Free Design
  9. The Lonely Goatherd by Julie Andrews; Charmian Carr; Heather Menzies; Nicholas Hammond; Duane Chase; Angela Cartwright; Debbie Turner; Kym Karath
  10. I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony) by The New Seekers
  11. The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap) – Single Version by Shirley Ellis
  12. Brand New Key by Melanie
  13. The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) by Simon & Garfunkel
  14. Different Drum by Stone Poneys; Linda Ronstadt

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #405: Drive

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Songs for the open road!
  1. Drive by Incubus
  2. Drive My Car – Remastered 2009 by The Beatles
  3. Drive by The Cars
  4. Drivin’ My Life Away by Eddie Rabbitt
  5. Drive By by Train
  6. Drive by Ben Rector
  7. Driver’s Seat by Sniff ‘n’ The Tears
  8. Drive by Oh Wonder
  9. Keep Driving by Harry Styles
  10. Drive by Halsey
  11. Ventura Highway by America; George Martin
  12. Man With A Minivan by Danny and Alex
  13. Stickshifts and Safetybelts by CAKE

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #404: Big

Two years of dance parties, let’s do something BIG!
  1. Extra Large by Slaters
  2. Large And In Charge by Chunky A.
  3. Large Time – Edit by Atlanta Rhythm Section
  4. Larger Than Life (feat. Benji Jackson) by Pinkzebra; Benji Jackson
  5. Large Professor by Main Source
  6. Big Time – 2012 Remaster by Peter Gabriel
  7. Larger Than Life by Gov’t Mule
  8. Big Ten Inch Record by Bull Moose Jackson
  9. HUGE W by Mori Calliope
  10. In A Big Country by Big Country
  11. Big Shot by Billy Joel

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #403: Sammy Rae & The Friends

Getting excited to see Seeing Sammy Rae & The Friends in Boston in a couple of weeks!
  1. Talk It Up by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  2. Whatever We Feel by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  3. Follow Me Like the Moon by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  4. If It All Goes South by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  5. Denim Jacket by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  6. Creo Lo Sientes (feat. C-BASS) by Sammy Rae & The Friends; C-BASS
  7. Let’s Throw a Party! by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  8. Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  9. Kick It to Me – Single Version by Sammy Rae & The Friends
  10. For the Time Being by Sammy Rae & The Friends; Will Leet

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #402: Guest DJ Ray – Dance: strength incarnate; women

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The title of the playlist says it all.
  1. 9 To 5 by Dolly Parton
  2. Boys Will Be Boys by Dua Lipa
  3. Lollipop by Charlie Curtis-Beard; EARCANDY
  4. Big Bad Wolf by Naethan Apollo
  5. Run the World (Girls) by Beyoncé
  6. Unstoppable by Sia
  7. Icon by Shuba
  8. Kings & Queens by Ava Max
  9. Breakfast by Dove Cameron
  10. My Body, My Choice by Naïka
  11. Not Your Barbie Girl by Ava Max
  12. Good as Hell by Lizzo
  13. Fight Like A Girl by Zolita
  14. Golden Age by J. Maya

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #401: !#9

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Inspired by one of the song from Playlist #16: Warriors
  1. The Force by Lettuce
  2. Widowmaker by Five Alarm Funk
  3. Backatown by Trombone Shorty
  4. Rva All Day by No BS! Brass
  5. Got the Funk by Broken Brass
  6. Good People by Thundersmack; Honeycomb
  7. Chips & Dip by Sam Greenfield
  8. Sun Spat by EMEFE
  9. Kings Avenue (feat. Corey Henry, Ben Ellman & Rob Mercurio) by Too Many Zooz; Corey Henry; Ben Ellman; Rob Mercurio
  10. Takuya by Panam Panic
  11. No. 6 by Moon Hooch

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.

Morning Dance Parties Playlists

Playlist #16: Warriors

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Going back to some very funky times, circa late 2020.
  1. Tainted Love by Soft Cell
  2. Barracuda by Heart
  3. Don’t Dream It’s Over by Crowded House
  4. Number 9 by Moon Hooch
  5. Fish & Chips by Grace Kelly; Leo P
  6. Forget You by CeeLo Green
  7. Warriors by Too Many Zooz
  8. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John; Kiki Dee
  9. Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte
  10. September by Earth, Wind & Fire

Available on Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon.